Monday, March 5, 2012


I'm so behind in blogging it's ridiculous. Our LoveFilm (UK's version of NetFlix) here has all the seasons of LOST and despite Lincoln's "I will never watch that show with you!" attitude, he keeps asking to "watch one more" each night. So, I have neglected the blog. But, here I am attempting a catch up. 

Two weekends ago we drove 1.5 hours away to Canterbury (as in the Tales) and enjoyed St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury Cathedral, and the bustling high street life . 

 St. Augustine's Abbey (not my favorite site, but Lincoln loves himself some ruins!)

The cathedral was really awesome and we were able to attend the evensong and hear the choir sing. I love listening to the beautiful acoustics in these ancient buildings! 

The town centre was super fun. Tons of people, tons of food shops, and tons of people watching! 

We finally decided to get our first "fish n'chips" dinner at a little family owned hole in the wall. From Livvy's face you can guess what she thought of the experience. Not a big fan. Lincoln and I thought it was pretty good. Not sure if we need to experience it again though. 


This family is glad we can spend Saturdays together. 


  1. Saturdays save me every week!

    Love those cute kiddos in that great double stroller!

  2. what a blast! I love living vicariously through you!

  3. Seeing those fish n chips made me start salivating. That is what I miss most so you must have at least one more for me :) lol
