Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spiders are friends.

Sunday night Lincoln saved me from death.  We were in the kitchen talking sweetly to one another (read: having a heated discussion) when mid-sentence Lincoln said all too calmly "Move Vindie."

I jumped to the side and looked down to see a spider the size of a small rodent a few feet from where I was standing. Now, I am not exaggerating when I say that it was the size of a mouse. I have never seen anything so big, hairy and black. I quickly picked up Livvy and stood on a chair the on the other side of the room. All the time screaming at Lincoln to KILL the SPIDER! 

Lincoln manned up and with 4 blows with his slipper, the beast was dead. Later I asked him if he considered not telling me to move (because at the time I was being a brat) and he said he'd thought about it...but thankfully decided that I am worth saving. So glad that he did. 

We decided to put our new found friend in jar and contact our apartment manager. 



Tonight we found and killed a very, very large spider.  We are not spider experts, but seeing that huge spider really alarmed us and made us wonder if we should be worried about the safety of our little children, who are only 7 months and 2 years old. We kept the killed spider in a jar thinking that you may want to have it identified and possibly have the house sprayed to kill such spiders. 

Thank you for your help in this matter, 
Vindie and Lincoln

The response: 

Hello Vindie
Sorry to hear about the spiders.  All spiders in this country are totally harmless and have no poison.  Where possible they should be collected up in a jar and put in the garden.   Hope this is okay.

Kind regards


Collect them and put them in the garden!?!?! 

Lincoln asked around at work and apparently spiders (and ants) aren't considered pests in the UK and there are no spraying services to rid you of their presence. 

These arachnophobes are glad that we have the chance to get over our fear.  


  1. I wouldn't be glad about getting over that fear! haha

    That is crazy!

  2. Uhmm. I would like to see a photo of this gigan-ta-saurus spider. Just for the record. And. I commend Lincoln on his bravery as well as his ability to do the right thing under duress (read: during a heated discussion when he very well could have left you at the mercy of the unexpected and horrifying visitor). Amen.

    oh my word! Way to be brave! Death to all large arachnids!

  4. Laughing out loud! So sorry! I would be right with you screaming on the chair. Good luck with those monsters.

  5. OH MY GOSH. Spiders are one of my biggest fears! I would seriously have to move. I'm interested to find out if this will in fact cure arachnophobia. Yikes! Good luck!
