Sunday, February 12, 2012

6 reasons I love my 6 month old.

1. He is the happiest baby I've ever seen. You pretty much look at him these days and he flashes that big grin in return. Melt. My. Heart. 

2. He is a tank. He is super tall and a plump little (big) thing. His thighs have the most adorable rolls of blubber. Oh the rolls of squishy goodness! 

 3. He screams like a little girl. He rarely cries these days, but just lets out high-pitch ear piercing screams. And then as soon as he is placed in bed, or fed he stops. Oh the Jude Dude, how you keep us on our toes!

4. He looks like me! Finally I have one of my own! I see a lot of my brothers in his face and it makes me smile and excited to see how he will look when he gets older.

5. Jude loves music! Since he was born if you sing to him he will smile (especially if you have a low-base voice like my 18-year-old brother). He now tries to sing (moan) in return...which makes sitting anywhere quiet eventful. 

6. Jude loves his sister. He is always turned like this looking for where she is and what she is doing. He also, LOVES his dad! When he sees Lincoln come home from work he starts kicking and smiling and practically jumping into his arms.

I can't believe he is already 6 months! It has gone by so fast! 


This mom is so very glad that I have a little dude named Jude.  


  1. He is so adorable! And he DOES look like you!

  2. I am dying!! He is such a stud!! Please give him a massive squeeze for me!

  3. he is such a cutie! Is his hair turning red?

  4. looks like it in the pictures, but his hair is very white. Hope your little girl is getting bigger and not squishing everything inside of you too much!

  5. He is SO handsome! Wish I could come squeeze those thighs.... Little girls are awesome and so fun, but boys totally have a way of melting your heart, huh?
