Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What we do.

So the other day, my very British, 70-something neighbor from the apartment above us came down to help me hang some curtains. She is always very concerned about us and whenever we talk I think we're speaking two different languages.

Anyway, we were working on looping hooks and fixing pleats when she asked me:

"What do you do all day?"

To which I didn't have much of a response.  Immediately after she left though I was inspired.

Mid-wiping Jude's bum, Livvy had an accident and the next 30 or so minutes were spent getting bums clean and clothes changed.

I should have told her I wipe bottoms all day!

With no car, no friends (yet....see I'm optimistic!), and a snowy wasteland outside I pretty much take care of babies and housework all day long.  Which has had its highs and lows:

High: Jude turning 6 months and trying his first baby food!

Low: Livvy has relapsed in potty training (she's having a few accidents a day) and sleep-training (she tries to crawl into our bed every night).

High: Livvy and Lincoln playing in the snow. I thought she would last two seconds in the snow...but she didn't want to leave her "Frosty!" (snowman). 

Low: Jude has decided he likes to sleep in our bed. Every night I have one baby on top of me, and one curled around my neck...while Lincoln curls up at the edge of the bed trying to not get pushed off.

High: Livvy used her first British word yesterday...she said "This yogurt is lovely!" Which is funny because every time we meet a Brit they call my kids lovely! So she's probably heard that one the most!

Lincoln came home last night and told me his co-worker told him he was going to a football match and then out with friends then asked Lincoln what his plans were for the night. To which Lincoln responded, "I'm going to put my kids to bed." (And he did put Livvy to bed about 20 times throughout the night!)

Being a parent is hard no matter what country you're in, but all the lows are worth it for the highs!


This wife is glad that I have a husband to share parenthood with. 


  1. So cute! Love that picture of Jude and I can't wait to hear Livvy's new vocabulary!

  2. It really is hard! (I've been screamed at all morning! haha) So sorry about the potty training and sleep relapses! But your children are lovely!

  3. It sure is! We are so lucky to have the highs to go along with the lows. I cannot believe that Jude is 6 MONTHS!! I am dying! Give them a squeeze for me please! Love you!

  4. Oh my gosh...I totally laughed out loud about your sleeping arrangements! Probably just because they are just like mine lol. We are down to just one in our bed...but Emerson is such a picky stinker it's easier to simply leave him there. Oh I miss you day we should Skype :o). (((((hugs)))))
