Thursday, January 19, 2012

New stomping grounds

The past week and a half we've been living in temporary housing. With our limited duffel bag of toys and no parks in sight (we live near the financial district part of town), we've become a little creative to stay happy and busy.
Every morning we have "school time" and Livvy rushes to our glass uber-modern table and we talk about letters and smash playdough into shapes. Every time we have school she keeps asking me if I'm her teacher. She is the cutest.
In every drawer in the apartment her "babies" are sleeping including Minnie, Barbie, Pooh Bear, and the occasional car.

Sadly, the house has not been all fun and games. She has had two dressers fall on her (no lasting damage thankfully) and her hand caught in a door hinge.

The first day Lincoln left us alone (I think this was day 3 in London) she got two fingers caught in the door hinge of one of the many heavy doors in the apartment. I freaked out because I was alone and Lincoln was gone with no cell phone and there was blood and I am in a new country. Thankfully though, he came back within 20 minutes of it happening and we talked to a nurse and were told everything would heal on its own.


Liv has also become Jude's favorite playmate! Since there is a general lack in aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and best friends here she has resorted to playing with the ever so cute Jude dude. She practically sits on the giant 5 month old and talks to him...all the while he smiles and squeals at her in delight.

It's nice that we are settling into a routine that will last us at least another week until we get moved to our new house. I love my kids, they remind me that kitchen cupboards and playdough can make any day a good one.


This mom is glad that I have my kids to make any house a home. 


  1. I love reading about your adventures! Your kids are so adorable. Jude is getting so big! So stinking cute.

  2. I have GOT to get us some more play dough! So glad Liv's fingers weren't more seriously hurt. I believe your freak-out session was warranted! (New country, no cell phone, etc.)

  3. I'm going to echo Charli and say that I love reading about your adventures. And--your kids are so adorable. I think it's wonderful that you've kept a record of all of this from the beginning. Nnnnice.

  4. We missed you at our school today. So fun that you are starting to get a routine. I hope Liv's finger heals well.

  5. Your little kids seem to have grown just since you moved to London! I really enjoy your adventures--as always. Thanks for sharing!!
