Livvy has been keeping me on my toes lately.
These are a few of the questions that she's put forth for me to answer:
(While eating a turkey sandwich) "Mommy, how did this turkey die?" "Was he sad?"
"Mommy, how did Jude come out of your tummy?"
"Mommy, how did Jude get into your tummy?"
She's asked me a million more questions like this, but I can't remember all of them. I've been a little creative in my answers, but mostly I try some version of the truth (even if it is a very vague version). Lincoln, is never in this position, because if he's ever pelted a toughie he just tells her to go ask her mother....
Here is the silly girl dressing herself up in all of my scarves.
She has a few specifications that must be met when creating her ensemble. It must be a dress and it must touch her toes and it must have some sort of sleeves.
This brings me to my next Livvy point. Livvy is obsessed with wearing a certain shirt and skirt. The shirt she calls her "not-modest" shirt (because it has straps) and she insists on wearing it everywhere. I have to hide the coveted outfit so she will let me wash it!
I love this little girl, who really is a little person and no longer a toddler.